Thursday, June 23, 2011

GTL Infra - Mkt Overreaction or Deeper Malaise

Did some back of the envelope calculations ...
plz share your comments/suggestions ....
  1. No GTL Infra Shares are pledged as per shareholding pattern
  2. Some rough calculations
    1. GTL has 32000 towers (
    2. Recent transactions in the space at ~Rs 0.45crs
      1. ESSAR – ATC (
      2. GTL- Aircel (
  3. Assuming 30000 operational towers and a per tower value of Rs 0.32crs (30% discount), you get 9,500 crs Rs as EV, Debt of ~7000 cr Rs – Equity Value of 2500 crs Rs vs Mkt cap of 1700 cr Rs….(

Clarifications by mgt


Some concerns on the mgt front - GTL used to be a part of the ketan parekh stocks ( )

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